aircraft carrier

[ˈɛəkrɑ:ft ˈkæriə]
  • 释义
  • 航空母舰;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    In the aircraft carrier, aviation security and support staff occupy a large proportion.

    在航母上, 航空保障和支持人员占有相当大的比重.

  • 2、

    The airplane lifted from the aircraft carrier.


  • 3、

    He had returned to England in an aircraft carrier no less.


  • 4、

    Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port.


  • 5、

    The planes bam med against the deck of the aircraft carrier.


  • 6、

    With high combat effectiveness, the aircraft carrier is emblematic of the navy's military might.

    航空母舰的战斗力相当大, 是一个国家海军军事力量的象征.

  • 7、

    But China still t have a single aircraft carrier.


  • 8、

    Our battleship was assigned to convoy an aircraft carrier to the Sea.


  • 9、

    The seven seas are heaving the weight of america's dozen or so aircraft carrier battle groups.


  • 10、

    Much goes into flight operations aboard today's modern Navy aircraft carrier.


  • 11、

    After the incident , the aircraft carrier was redeployed from coastal waters to the Gulf.

    军事冲突以后, 航空母舰从沿海水域被重新部署到了海湾地区.

  • 12、

    CVHE: Escort Helicopter Aircraft Carrier ( retired ).

    攻击直升机航空母舰 ( 退役 ).

  • 13、

    Another aircraft carrier, the Eisenhower, is already positioned in the south of Iran.

    另一艘航空母舰艾森豪号, 已经在南伊朗集结待命.

  • 14、

    Our battleship were assigned to convoy an aircraft carrier to the Caribbean Sea.


  • 15、

    As part of this celebration Harbin students produced a 1:100 scale model of a prospective aircraft carrier.


  • 16、

    The Navy intentionally sank the retired aircraft carrier to make the world's largest created reef.


  • 17、

    There is talk of China acquiring an aircraft carrier.


  • 18、

    Titan mode as you engage in desperate firefights theconfines of a floating aircraft carrier.


  • 19、

    The feasibility study and draft design of China's aircraft carrier started in 1992.


  • 20、

    This article is the third section to analysis effectiveness of the damage submunition against aircraft carrier.


  • 21、

    The aircraft carrier accidentally hit a little fishing boat. Luckily, no one was hurt.

    航空母舰不小心挤垮了一艘小渔船, 幸亏没造成人员伤亡.

  • 22、

    Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier ( Escort carrier ) ( 1942 )

    水上巡逻飞机 ( 退役 )
